Math Space

November 10, 2020

San Antonio College

Math Space

Take advantage of Fast Track Math classes that can be done within one semester using Flex 1 and Flex 2 courses.  STEM students, visiting students, FTIC, various majors, all can benefit from having your math classes done in one semester.  A so-called one and done, if you don’t need any further math classes.  Get an entire sequence of Math classes done in one year instead of two if you need to go through a larger sequence of classes. 

Here are the classes eligible:
MATH 0320 – MATH 1414    F1 – F2 respectively
MATH 1414 – MATH 2412
MATH 2412 – MATH 2413
MATH 2413 – MATH 2414
MATH 2414 – MATH 2415