VA Student Resources

Get started on applying for military benefits and enrolling at SAC with these helpful resources.

Virtual VA Advising

Join Zoom Meeting

Passcode: Victory1

Summer Hours June 5 - July 28, 2023

  • Walk-ins and appointments are available
  • Monday Thru Thursday 8:15am-6:45pm
  • Friday (Zoom only) 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

All service hours are virtual and face to face unless indicated otherwise. Please contact your advisor to set up an appointment or stop by as a walk-in.

Please use the meeting information below to access our virtual waiting room and wait to be called in to a private advising break-out room. You may also send an email to with a question or to schedule an appointment.

Meeting ID: 257 906 0371
Passcode: Victory1
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,2579060371#,,,,*2740203# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,2579060371#,,,,*2740203# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 257 906 0371
Passcode: 2740203
Find your local number:

VA Staff Contact Information

Timothy Pair
(210) 486-0342

RoseMarie Moreno
Advising Team Lead
(210) 486-0434

Kenneth Ramelli
VA Coordinator
(210) 486-0867

Albert Diaz
Administrative Assistant
(210) 486-1638


Sonia Araguz
School Certifying Official
(210) 486-0429

Luis Torres Vazquez 
Advising Team Support Lead
(210) 486-0109

Michael Corrales
Certified Advisor
(210) 486-0108

Robert Gorman
Certified Advisor
(210) 486-0438


Sandra Guerrero
School Certifying Official
(210) 486-0114

Patricia Patten
Certified Advisor
(210) 486-0939

Monica Gonzalez
Certified Advisor
(210) 486-1634

Antonio Rabago
School Certifying Official
(210) 486-0107


Kathryn Sanchez-Lane
Certified Advisor
(210) 486-0146

Latrina Spann
Certified Advisor
(210) 486-0367

Alicia Stolte
Certified Advisor
(210) 486-0431

Elizabeth Thomas
School Certifying Official
(210) 486-1633

Community Partners

The SAC Office of Veterans Affairs is connected with several programs to help our military-affiliated students succeed both in and out of the classroom.

For more information on any of these programs and services, see the links below or contact your advisor.

VetSuccess On Campus

Veterans Integration To Academic Leadership (V.I.T.A.L.)

Birdwell Foundation on PTSD

Pink Berets

Texas Veterans Commission Disability Claims Representation

Honor Veterans Now (Meals for Vets)

Victory Center Tutoring

SAC VA's Tutoring Center is located in the Victory Center (Room 104). Tutors are available for both in-person and remote tutoring appointments via Zoom.

Victory Center Tutoring Hours

English with Heather

Thursday 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Math with Eddie

Tuesday 12:30 – 4 p.m.

Science with Belem

Wednesday 12 - 5 p.m.

Questions? Contact your advisor or call (210) 486-1627.

Mental Wellness Counseling

The SAC Office of Veterans Affairs understands that difficult issues can get in the way of academic success. To help, we offer trained, licensed staff to guide you in personal, social, health and/or psychological matters. We can also provide you with community referrals to meet your individual needs.

SAC-VA offers special mental wellness programs specifically for the needs of veterans, including counseling groups, a PTSD support group, life coaches, a military sexual trauma support group and counseling, and more.

For more information call (210) 486-0111 or email

Transfer and Career Services

SAC-VA helps you continue on your path to success with Transfer and Career Services. Whether you plan to transfer to a 4-year institution or begin your career after graduation, we can connect you with resources to help.

  • Assistance with transfers to 4-year universities
  • Employment resources
  • Employment services including workshops and job fairs

For more information call (210) 486-0111 or email

VR&E (Ch.31) Bookstore Guidance

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