Veterinary Technology
Perform medical tests in a laboratory environment for use in the treatment and diagnosis of diseases in animals. Prepare vaccines and serums for prevention of diseases. Prepare tissue samples, take blood samples, and execute laboratory tests, such as urinalysis and blood counts. Clean and sterilize instruments and materials and maintain equipment and machines. May assist a veterinarian during surgery.
Jobs available locally 1,248 |
Demand Locally +3 % |
Annual Wage Range $27,202 – $50,216 |
Feed, water, and examine pets and other nonfarm animals for signs of illness, disease, or injury in laboratories and animal hospitals and clinics. Clean and disinfect cages and work areas, and sterilize laboratory and surgical equipment. May provide routine postoperative care, administer medication orally or topically, or prepare samples for laboratory examination under the supervision of veterinary or laboratory animal technologists or technicians, veterinarians, or scientists.
Jobs available locally 1,008 |
Demand Locally +3 % |
Annual Wage Range $22,623 – $45,906 |
Teach courses in health specialties, in fields such as dentistry, laboratory technology, medicine, pharmacy, public health, therapy, and veterinary medicine.
Jobs available locally 10,258 |
Demand Locally +1 % |
Annual Wage Range $50,998 – $214,067 |
Program Level:
Degrees, Certificates
Program Type:
Veterinary Technology
Health & Biosciences
What is a licensed veterinary technician?
A Licensed Veterinary Technician (LVT) is a passionate and skilled professional devoted to providing exceptional care for animals. In Texas, LVTs undergo 2-4 years of comprehensive education, pass both national and state examinations, and engage in ongoing learning to stay sharp. Working closely with veterinarians, they handle responsibilities such as gathering medical histories, assisting in surgeries, and educating pet owners, though they do not diagnose or prescribe. With their expertise in various fields, including military, education, and animal control, LVTs can also specialize in exciting areas like anesthesia and emergency care through CVTS.
What is a veterinary technician assistant?
As a veterinary assistant, you can support the veterinarian, veterinary technician, or both in their daily tasks. Your duties may include:
Training programs are available for veterinary assistants; some are trained on the job. |
If you are interested in science, research in public health, and helping animals, Veterinary Technology is the career for you. Personal attributes that contribute to a successful career as a veterinary technician include:
Mission statement
The mission of the Palo Alto College Veterinary Technology Program (PACVTP) is to teach students to work as veterinary healthcare professionals; to interact with other healthcare professionals and patients in a professional and ethical manner; to develop the highest possible technical skills required in the veterinary field; to always demonstrate the utmost respect and concern for the well-being of the patients they serve; to demonstrate creative thinking and problem solving; and to provide assistance to graduates and facilitate continuing educational opportunities for fellow technicians.
Program Overview
The Veterinary Technology program at Palo Alto College is a rigorous AVMA-CVTEA accredited 2-year full-time cohort program. Offering training in laboratory techniques, office protocols, emergency and specialty medicine, it covers small, large, exotic, and laboratory animal care. Established in 1996, the program has maintained full accreditation since 1998. Students must master 350 essential skills in a 15,000 sq. ft. facility, completing assigned animal care duties, including weekends and holidays. A minimum grade of 75% is required to remain in the program, with one-time readmission considered if space allows. Courses older than 3 years cannot count toward the degree.
Veterinary Technology Program Highlights
Veterinary Technology Career Areas & Employment PositionsThe U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics states that employment of veterinary technicians is projected to grow 19% from 2014-2024. Career opportunities include:
Degrees OfferedVeterinary Technology, A.A.S. |
Certificates OfferedVeterinary Assistant Level 2 Certificate |
The Veterinary Technology AAS program at Palo Alto College meets the educational requirements for licensure in the state of Texas. After completing the program, students will be eligible to take a nationally recognized exam in addition to passing a state of Texas exam which will allow them to become credentialed and practice in Texas. Requirements for licensure in other states or territories may be different from licensure requirements in Texas. To find out about other state licensure requirements, visit the American Veterinary Medical Association website. |
![]() The Palo Alto Veterinary Technology Program received initial accreditation in 1998 and has maintain full accredited from the American Veterinary Medical Association Committee on Veterinary Education and Activities. |
Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE) Pass Rate
Total* July 1, 2021–June 30, 2024
27Number first-time candidates that have taken the VTNE |
100%VTNE pass rate annual percentage *Three-year pass percentage |
- Be at least 18 years of age or older.
- Graduate from an accredited high school or hold a high school equivalency.
- Graduation from a veterinary technology program that is accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association Committee on Veterinary Education and Activities.
- Successful completion of the Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE®) (National Board Exam).
- Successful completion of the Licensed Veterinary Technician Exam (LVTE) approved by the Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (TBVME).
All info sessions will be held at 9 a.m. at Palo Alto College in the Veterinary Technology building. Please select a date listed below that works with your schedule. To RSVP, please email pac-vettech@alamo.edu.
2024 |
2025 |
Application |
Applicant Notified via |
Term |
Acceptance Window |
Deadline by 5:00 pm |
Department Review |
Fall (August) |
January 1 – June 1 |
June 1 |
June 2 – 14 |
June 3 – 15 |
Mandatory information session attendance: To be eligible to apply for the veterinary technology program, prospective applicants must attend an information session within the 10 months (August-May) preceding the application deadline.
- Choose a date from the list of available information sessions located on the Veterinary Technology homepage under the Mandatory Program Information
- RSVP with the preferred date via email to pac-vettech@alamo.edu.
Apply to Palo Alto College: Applicants need to complete the College enrollment checklist
If a prospective applicant has never attended or has not taken a course within a year at one of the Alamo Colleges District they must apply/reapply:
- Apply to Palo Alto College through www.goapplytexas.org
- Application Tips view for instructions on how to apply
- Applicants who have not attended another college must be a high school/home-schooled graduate or obtained their GED.
- Under First Choice School/Program, select “Health and Biosciences” and click continue
- Under Major, select “Veterinary Technology, AAS” and click continue to finish your application
- Applying to PAC and declaring your major as “Veterinary Technology” does not automatically submit your application to this program.
- If you are under the age of 22 years old, you will have to upload proof that you have received the Meningococcal Vaccine or your application will be held, and will be unable to register for classes.
- Submit an official transcript, if attended another institution
- Submit official, electronic transcripts from all, non-Alamo College District institutions to Palo Alto College Records and Transcripts Office.
- Applicants are responsible for submitting/acquiring official transcripts.
- Contact Records and Transcripts at (210) 212-5266 with any questions you may have.
If a prospective applicant has attended one of the Alamo Colleges they must:
- Declare Palo Alto College as the Primary Institution
- Declare Major/Field of Study as Veterinary Technology
- To update either go to Student Forms.
- Applying to PAC and declaring your major as “Veterinary Technology” does not automatically submit your application to this program.
Complete required prerequisite courses: Applicants must complete the following four prerequisite general education courses prior to the June 1st application deadline to be considered for the program.
- Grade of a “C” or higher must be attained for credit
- Composition I - ENGL 1301
- Biology for Science Majors l - BIOL 1406
- College Algebra - MATH 1314
- General Psychology - PSYC 2301
Application submission: Prospective applicants are required to submit the application documents to the veterinary technology application submission course via Canvas only. Applicant must have attended both an information session and completed the college enrollment checklist to be eligible to access the veterinary technology application submission page via Canvas.
- Contact department for access to application documents:
- Request to be added to the application submission page by sending an email via your ACES email only to pac-vettech@alamo.edu.
- Once the request has been processed, you will receive an invitation to the application submission page via your ACES email.
- Once the invitation is accepted, you will gain access to all of the application documents that need to be completed and submitted.
- Each document submitted in Canvas will receive a grade once reviewed.
- Document(s) that failed to receive a complete status, will be considered incomplete and must be corrected by the June 1st due date.
- Any document(s) deemed incomplete by the deadline, will disqualify the applicant for admission into the program.
- Submit Program Application
- Submit completed application form
- Every applicant applying must be a student in good standing and have
- a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 to be considered for admission.
- iException: Applicants who hold any college degree may have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 to apply.
- a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 to be considered for admission.
- Applying to PAC and declaring your major as “Veterinary Technology” does not automatically submit your application to this program.
- You will be responsible for monitoring your Aces account for any holds. We will be delayed in registering you for courses if there are holds present at Orientation in July.
- Submit an Unofficial Transcript
- Submit unofficial transcripts from all colleges attended, including any Alamo Colleges District Institutions
- Transcript does not need to be an official copy; these can be generated from your online student account.
- Unofficial transcripts aid us in confirming prerequisite courses are completed and starting the process of calculating your cumulative college GPA.
- Submit completed “Clinical Skills” checklist
- All “required” tasks listed on the “Clinical Skills” checklist must be completed.
- This form must be completed and hand signed by an L.V.T. from the clinic that the hours were completed.
- If your clinic does not have an L.V.T., the D.V.M. must sign.
- Office manager signatures will not be accepted.
- Signature stamps will not be accepted.
- Submit required Veterinary Clinic Work Hours
- A minimum of 80 hours of documented clinical experience are required to apply to the program.
- All hours must be acquired within 12 months of the application due date.
- Hours must be completed under the supervision of an L.V.T.
- If your clinic does not have an L.V.T., the D.V.M. must sign.
- Shelter hours are acceptable, only if obtained in the clinic area with a D.V.M. supervising.
- Acceptable proof of clinical hours must be one of the following:
- Timesheets are provided on Canvas.
- Submit one timesheet provided for every 3 months worked.
- Hours must be totaled for each week, each month, and the 3 months in the allocated lines.
- Printed timesheet directly from the clinic
- Timesheet criteria:
- All timesheets must be identified with the clinic name
- Submit 1 grand total timesheet to reflect all hours worked for the 12 months.
- Anything other than a timesheet will not be accepted (example pay stub)
- Timesheet must be completed and hand signed by an L.V.T. from the clinic that the hours were completed.
- If your clinic does not have an L.V.T., the DVM must sign.
- Office manager signatures will not be accepted.
- Signature stamps will not be accepted.
- Have L.V.T. submit a “Reference” form
- If your clinic does not have an L.V.T., the D.V.M. must sign.
- Provide Reference form to the clinic L.V.T. to complete
- After hours are completed, confirm the L.V.T. submitted form via e-mail from their work email address only to pac-vettech@alamo.edu.
- Submission Criteria:
- The form must be completed and hand signed by an L.V.T. from the clinic that the hours were completed.
- If your clinic does not have an L.V.T., the DVM must sign.
- Office manager signatures will not be accepted.
- Signature stamps will not be accepted
- Submit Technical Standard requirements:
- Read and acknowledge by signing the Technical Standard requirements
- Submit the Admission Process Checklist for New Students
- Verify and sign that each step listed has been completed correctly.
- Upload this form on Canvas only once you have completed and uploaded all previous steps.
- Check for holds:
- It is the applicant’s responsibility to monitor your Aces account for any holds. If there are holds present at orientation, your course registration will be delayed and you may not get the schedule you want.
Application communication: Time-sensitive communications from the veterinary technology program regarding your application document status will be via your ACES email only. It will be the student’s responsibility to be checking the ACES email on a regular basis.
Listed below are clinics locations and points of contact, if provided, that have indicated they would accept volunteers, if space is available. Hours do not have to be completed at these clinics, you may seek out other clinics/shelters but ensure they have a DVM and/or LVT on staff as supervision and forms must be completed by only a DVM/LVT.
After meeting all requirements for Palo Alto College & the Veterinary Technology Program, selection of candidates will occur based on the applicants’ level of college education, cumulative GPA from all institutions, number of clinical experience hours earned, and the D.V.M./L.V.T. reference form.
Applicant Status
Following the selection process, applicants are ranked accordingly. Each applicant will be classified in one of the following four statuses:
Accepted: A select number of the highest-ranking applicants who have met all application requirements prior to the application deadline.
Alternate: A select number of completed applicants that did not rank among the accepted students will be invited to attend orientation.
Denial: Any applicant who did not meet the cut off of being chosen to attend orientation or did not meet application requirements. An explanation to the applicant will be stated in the status letter.
Once all applicants are ranked, they will receive a letter stating their application status VIA aces email only, on or before June 15 of the application year. It is your responsibility to be checking your aces email on a regular basis during this time.
All “Accepted” and the selected “Alternate” applicants will receive an “Acceptance Form” included with their letter. On this form, the student must accept or forgo their status by the deadline provided and upload to the Veterinary Technology Application Submission Course via canvas, if an applicant declines, or fails to reply by the given deadline, the applicant will forfeit their status, and the next alternate will be offered the seat. See “Alternate Protocol” for further details.
Alternate Protocol
In the occasion an accepted student forfeits their acceptance, a position in the Fall semester will become available. The order of occurrence for which alternates will be offered an “Accepted” status is as follows:
- The highest-ranking alternate will be offered the position via ACES email only, and must respond by the given deadline. If that applicant declines, or if additional positions become available, we will continue down the alternate list in order of highest to lowest ranking.
- Current Tetanus:
- You will be required to provide a copy of a current immunization record showing proof of current tetanus, within 10 years, prior to being enrolled in the program.
- Rabies Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis vaccination:
- Check with your medical insurance for possible coverage (state it is mandatory for program entrance)
- If you are military or military dependent you could receive free of charge
- Documentation verifying rabies vaccination series is requested prior to registration for the fall semester.
- Medical/Health Insurance:
- You will be required to submit proof of medical insurance each semester.
- Websites that may aid search for an insurance plan:
- Complete required online Orientation Course via canvas requirements prior to orientation:
- You will be invited to complete a required pre-orientation canvas course. This course will have a specific completion date prior to our mandatory in person orientation.
- Attend the mandatory in-person orientation:
- All accepted applicants, as well as a select number of alternates will be invited to attend a mandatory orientation that will be held Thursday July 11, 2024. If you do not attend this orientation, you will forfeit your status and your position will be offered to the highest-ranking alternate.
- Order scrubs & other equipment:
- Full uniform(s) and related equipment (see handbook under accessories) are not optional and must be ordered by the provided deadline. You must have your uniform in your possession prior to classes starting and be in full uniform on the first day of class or entrance will be denied.
- Order required textbooks:
- You must have all required textbooks in your possession prior to classes starting. Textbooks are not optional and are necessary for your success in this program.
If a student has applied, and was not accepted and wishes to reapply to the program the following year, they will be required to complete the full application process again which will include an additional 80 or more clinical experience hours. All submitted hours must be acquired within 12 months of the application due date.
If a student applied and was accepted but did not attend any veterinary technology courses and wishes to reapply to the program the following year, they will be required to complete the full application process, which will include an additional 80 or more clinical experience hours. All submitted hours must be acquired within 12 months of the application due date. These students will only be allowed to reapply and be accepted to the program once more as a new student to the program.
Other Information
What makes a competitive application?
- Total GPA-Your total GPA will be calculated by ALL college courses completed throughout your college career. Maintaining the highest GPA possible is recommended for a stronger application. All application points will be added to your total GPA.
- Degree-Applicants with proof of a completed degree will be awarded additional points depending on level of degree.
- Total number of Clinical Experience hours obtained-Applicants who complete more than the 80 required clinical experience hours will be awarded points for additional hours worked.
- Reference form-You will be awarded points based on your evaluation by the D.V.M./L.V.T. after obtaining your clinical experience hours. Better performance equals a better reference from your D.V.M./L.V.T.
In-District Veterinary Technology Approximated Expenses 2023-2024 | |||||||
Term | Credit Hours | Tuition | Special Program Tuition | Fees | Approx. Book Cost* | Other Cost Approx. | Approx. Semester Total |
Prerequisites | 13 | $ 1,287 | $ 64 | $ 310 | $ 1,661 | ||
Fall Semester (Year 1) | 12 | $ 1,188 | $ 405 | $ 61 | $ 940 | $ 1,100 | $ 3,694 |
Spring Semester (Year 1) | 11 | $ 1,089 | $ 495 | $ 58 | $ 625 | $ 2,267 | |
Summer Semester (Year 1) | 4 | $ 0** | $ 180 | $ 0** | $ 180 | $ 360 | |
Fall Semester (Year 2) | 10 | $ 990 | $ 450 | $ 55 | $ 855 | $ 85 | $ 2,435 |
Spring Semester (Year 2) | 10 | $ 990 | $ 450 | $ 55 | $ 530 | $ 2,025 | |
Summer Semester (Year 2) | Credentialing Exam Fees | $ 506 | $ 506 | ||||
Program Total | 60 | $ 12,989 |
* Including recommended
** Expanded Summer Momentum Plan-Free credit hours
Out-of-District Veterinary Technology Approximated Expenses 2032-2024 | |||||||
Term | Credit Hours | Tuition | Special Program Tuition | Fees | Approx. Book Cost* | Other Cost Approx. | Approx. Semester Total |
Prerequisites | 13 | $ 2,795 | $ 64 | $ 310 | $ 3,169 | ||
Fall Semester (Year 1) | 12 | $ 2,580 | $ 405 | $ 61 | $ 940 | $ 1,100 | $ 5,086 |
Spring Semester (Year 1) | 11 | $ 2,365 | $ 495 | $ 58 | $ 625 | $ 3,543 | |
Summer Semester (Year 1) | 4 | $ 0** | $ 180 | $ 0** | $ 180 | $ 360 | |
Fall Semester (Year 2) | 10 | $ 2,150 | $ 450 | $ 55 | $ 855 | $ 85 | $ 3,595 |
Spring Semester (Year 2) | 10 | $ 2,150 | $ 450 | $ 55 | $ 530 | $ 3,185 | |
Summer Semester (Year 2) | Credentialing Exam Fees | $ 547 | $ 547 | ||||
Program Total | 60 | $ 19,485 |
* Including recommended
** Expanded Summer Momentum Plan-Free credit hours
Out-of-State/International Veterinary Technology Approximated Expenses 2023-2024 | |||||||
Term | Credit Hours | Tuition | Special Program Tuition | Fees | Approx. Book Cost* | Other Cost Approx. | Approx. Semester Total |
Prerequisites | 13 | $ 6,058 | $ 65 | $ 310 | $ 6,433 | ||
Fall Semester (Year 1) | 12 | $ 5,592 | $ 405 | $ 62 | $ 940 | $ 1,100 | $ 8,099 |
Spring Semester (Year 1) | 11 | $ 5,126 | $ 495 | $ 58 | $ 625 | $ 6,304 | |
Summer Semester (Year 1) | 4 | $ 0** | $ 180 | $ 0** | $ 180 | $ 360 | |
Fall Semester (Year 2) | 10 | $ 4,660 | $ 450 | $ 56 | $ 855 | $ 85 | $ 6,106 |
Spring Semester (Year 2) | 10 | $ 4,660 | $ 450 | $ 56 | $ 530 | $ 5,696 | |
Summer Semester (Year 2) | Credentialing Exam Fees | $ 547 | $ 547 | ||||
Program Total | 60 | $33,545 |
* Including recommended
** Expanded Summer Momentum Plan-Free credit hours
Upon completing the program and college requirements for the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Veterinary Technology from an AVMA-accredited program, the graduate is eligible for the national examination (VTNE) and state LVT exam. Passing a national certification exam is optional for awarding the AAS degree in Veterinary Technology, and completing the AAS degree does not guarantee passage of these exams. A graduate is not an LVT until s/he meets the requirements of the state credentialing agency. Graduates are eligible to be credentialed upon successful completion of the VTNE and, in Texas, the LVTE.
Note: A social security number is required to complete the licensing process in Texas. If you do not have a social security number, you may still be able to take the state exam, but the license will only be issued once a social security number is obtained.
Applicants with a criminal history are strongly recommended to contact the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners to request a Criminal History Evaluation Letter. This will allow the student to pursue credentialing with greater confidence of being able to be licensed upon completion of the program.
Note: If a prospective student has a felony conviction, this could result in denial of licensure. These students would not be eligible to sit for their National and State credentialing exams upon graduating from our program until a declaratory order process is completed with the licensure board and proof of eligibility for licensure or certification is provided. Applicants with a criminal record should contact the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners.
For additional information, please contact: https://www.veterinary.texas.gov/forms.php
Application |
Applicant Notified via |
Term |
Acceptance Window |
Deadline by 5 p.m. |
Department Review |
Fall (August) |
January 1 – June 1 |
June 1 |
June 2 – 14 |
June 3 – 15 |
Spring (January) |
August 1 – November 1 |
November 1 |
November 2 – 14 |
November 3 – 15 |
Summer (June) |
January 1 – March 1 |
March 1 |
March 2 – 14 |
March 3 – 15 |
Application submission: Applicant MUST have met with the program director before the course(s) dropped to be eligible to reapply to the program. Applicants are required to submit the application documents to the veterinary technology application submission course via Canvas only.
- Contact department for access to application documents:
- Request to be added to the application submission page by sending an email via your ACES email only to pac-vettech@alamo.edu.
- Once the request has been processed, you will receive an invitation to the application submission page via your ACES email.
- Once the invitation is accepted, you will gain access to all of the application documents that need to be completed and submitted.
- Each document submitted on Canvas will receive a grade once reviewed.
- Document(s) that failed to receive a grade of 100, will be considered incomplete.
- Any document(s) deemed incomplete by the deadline, will disqualify the applicant for admission into the program.
- Submit Program Application
- Submit the completed application form
- The applicant applying must be a student in good standing and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 to be considered for re-admission.
- GPA will be determined on degree courses only.
- Application submission does not automatically guarantee re-acceptance into the program.
- The applicant applying must be a student in good standing and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 to be considered for re-admission.
- Submit the completed application form
- Submit Action Plan Essay
- Submit a 1,000-word essay to detail the following information
- Specify what behaviors led to your unsuccessful course completion
- Example: What were your weaknesses and how do you propose to overcome them.
- Detail the changes concerning your studying behaviors that you plan to make for successful continuation in the program.
- Why should you be selected over other applicants applying to return to the program?
- Besides your love for animals, what drives you to return to this program? What is your passion?
- What is your ultimate goal in completing the program?
- Specify what behaviors led to your unsuccessful course completion
- Submit a 1,000-word essay to detail the following information
- Submit completed “Clinical Skills” checklist
- All “required” tasks listed on the “Clinical Skills” checklist must be completed.
- This form must be completed and hand signed by an L.V.T. from the clinic that the hours were completed.
- If your clinic does not have an L.V.T., the D.V.M. must sign.
- Office manager signatures will not be accepted.
- Signature stamps will not be accepted.
- Submit required Veterinary Clinic Work Hours
- A minimum of 365 hours of documented clinical experience are required to re-apply to the program.
- All hours must be acquired within 12 months of the application due date.
- Hours must be completed under the supervision of an L.V.T.
- If your clinic does not have an L.V.T., the D.V.M. must sign.
- Shelter hours are acceptable, only if obtained in the clinic area with a D.V.M. supervising.
- Acceptable proof of clinical hours must be one of the following:
- Timesheet provided on Canvas.
- Submit one timesheet provided for every 3 months worked.
- Hours must be totaled for each week, each month, and the 3 months in the allocated lines.
- Printed timesheet directly from the clinic
- Timesheet provided on Canvas.
- Timesheet criteria:
- All timesheets must be identified with the clinic name
- Submit 1 grand total timesheet to reflect all hours worked for the 12 months.
- Anything other than a timesheet will not be accepted (for example pay stub)
- Timesheet must be completed and hand signed by an L.V.T. from the clinic that the hours were completed.
- If your clinic does not have an L.V.T., the DVM must sign.
- Office manager signatures will not be accepted.
- Signature stamps will not be accepted.
- Acceptable proof of clinical hours must be one of the following:
- Have L.V.T. submit a “Reference” form
- Provide Reference form to the clinic L.V.T. to complete
- After hours are completed, confirm the L.V.T. submitted form via e-mail from their work email address only to pac-vettech@alamo.edu.
- Submission Criteria:
- The form must be completed and hand signed by an L.V.T. from the clinic that the hours were completed.
- If your clinic does not have an L.V.T., the DVM must sign.
- Office manager signatures will not be accepted.
- Signature stamps will not be accepted
- The form must be completed and hand signed by an L.V.T. from the clinic that the hours were completed.
- Submission Criteria:
- Submit Technical Standard requirements:
- Read and acknowledge by signing the Technical Standard requirements
- Submit the Admission Process Checklist for New Students
- Verify and sign that each step listed has been completed correctly.
- Check for holds:
- It is the applicant’s responsibility to monitor your Aces account for any holds. If there are holds present at orientation, your course registration will be delayed and you may not get the schedule you want.
- Veterinary Technology Interview
- Upon completion of all the above requirements, you will be scheduled a day and time in June to attend a mandatory interview with the Veterinary Technology Admissions Panel.
Application communication: Time-sensitive communications from the veterinary technology program regarding your application document status will be via your ACES email only. It will be the student’s responsibility to be checking the ACES email regularly.
Candidate selection will be based on the applicant’s successful completion of Palo Alto College and Veterinary Technology program admission requirements, the applicant’s total GPA from degree courses only, number of clinical experience hours earned, and the D.V.M./L.V.T. reference form, Action plan Essay, student motivation, interest in the field and Interview Process. All requirements are taken into consideration.
The program admission panel will evaluate each reentry request and reserves the right to not fill every seat if the applicant is deemed not qualified for readmission.
All students will be notified by June 15th for the Fall semester, November 15th for Spring semester, and March 20th for Summer semester. Applicants who have met all the application requirements will be notified about a date for the interview process with the program interview panel prior to acceptance.
After the interview, if accepted, applicants will receive an “Acceptance Form” with their letter via email only. On this form, the student must accept or forgo their status by the deadline provided and return via email only Pac-vettech@alamo.edu . If an applicant fails to reply by the given deadline, it will be assumed that the applicant has chosen to forgo their status, and the next accepted applicant will move up in rank.
Additional information
Those students that met the application requirements and voted by the program admission panel to return to the program.
Those students that were denied for any reason. An explanation to the applicant will be stated in the status letter. These students are eligible to reapply only as a returning student that must follow the returner guidelines for readmission; however, must restart the curriculum.
Students are allowed readmission only one time to the program. The program admission panel will look at exceptions to this rule on a case-by-case basis.
Contact Information
Skye Starbuck, LVT Interim Program Coordinator |
Veterinary Technology (VT–111) |
Dr. Jeffrey Koch Director |
Malorie Vallejo Certified Student Advisor |
210-486-3668 |
Maria Olmos Administrative Services Specialist |
Veterinary Technology (VT–100) |