Policy and Procedure Advisory Council (PPAC)

Collage of ACD Properties: NLC, NVC, PAC, SPC, SAC, DSO


The Policy and Procedure Advisory Council (PPAC) is composed of district stakeholders who collaborate to address new or revised Alamo College District policies and/or procedures.

View Board Procedure B.5.3.1


PPAC Positions and Current Incumbent

Director of Ethics, Compliance, and Policy
Dr. Daphene Carson

Council of Chairs Chair –
Raymond Chacon and Justin Eccles

Executive Staff Senate President
Nicholas Blakeney

United Faculty Senate President
Cindy Katz

Student District Council Chair
Alex Midkiff

Designated College President
Dr. Fransico Solis

Interim Vice Chancellor of Economic & Workforce Development
Xavier Urrutia

Vice Chancellor for Academic Success
Dr. George Railey

Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Success
Debi Gaitan

Vice Chancellor for Planning, Performance and Information Systems
Dr. Thomas Cleary

Associate Vice Chancellor of Talent, Organization & Strategic Innovation
Linda Boyer-Owens

Associate Vice Chancellor of Marketing and Communications
Kristi Wyatt

General Counsel
Ross Laughead