Program Level:
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Creative & Communication Arts
What is SPC Humanities?
The discipline of Humanities is geared to guide students on how to explore and examine the lives and cultural values of various people, cultures, and civilizations throughout the history of the world. Humanities bring together several various disciplines and themes such as history, art, music, theatre, film, literature, philosophy, aesthetic analyses, minority, and gender studies, culinary arts, religious perspectives, economic and social realities, and architectural concerns. This interdisciplinary approach allows students to have a multi-perspective understanding of the worldwide historical influence of the arts on human societies and culture. The student should emerge with a well-formed sense of prevailing human values in history as well as a sound basis for the information and evolution of her/his own individual values and those of society. Humanities prepare students for transfer to any Baccalaureate program while gaining important insight about culture and its relevance within any career path.
What will I learn?
Students gain an awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities and how these works of culture express the values of the individual and society within a historical and social context, students develop confidence in engaging with the individual creative processes, students make judgments and analysis that require critical thinking skills, students learn how to demonstrate an awareness of the creative process and why humans create, and an understanding about the means of individual empowerment as a life-long developmental process.
What can I do with this course of study?
Courses in Humanities will transfer throughout Texas and the U.S. to pursue a Baccalaureate degree.
What's special about the program?
Through our programs, you can expect to receive a quality educational environment which stimulates critical thinking.
Degrees and Certificates
St. Philip's College programs offer the following degree(s) and certificate(s). View our Course Catalog for more information.

Contact Us
Jack L. Nawrocik, M.A., M.A.H.G.S Assistant Professor |
MLK : Sutton Learning Center, SLC 219A |
Department Location Social & Behavioral Sciences |
MLK : Sutton Learning Center (SLC), 219 |