Forming Relationships Based on Equity and Empowerment (F.R.E.E.)
About F.R.E.E.
St. Philip's College is in the first year of a continuation grant to reduce sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking on campus. The grant, funded by the Office on Violence Against Women, is intended to further the work the college started in 2018 with its first award. The goal of the grant is to strengthen the response to these crimes by institutions of higher education and enhance collaboration among campuses, local law enforcement, and victim advocacy organizations. With a focus on By-Stander Intervention, St. Philip's College has developed a Coordinated Community Response Team that includes the Rape Crisis Center, Bexar County Family Justice Center, and the District Attorney's Office. The F.R.E.E. Project engages students, faculty, staff and visitors in eradicating intimate partner violence through comprehensive prevention, training and effective response efforts.
Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)
The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) provides federal leadership in developing the national capacity to reduce violence against women and administer justice for and strengthen services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. They currently administer 19 grant programs authorized by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) of 1994 and subsequent legislation. The OVW has funded many organizations that support survivors across the United States, $18,980,321 was rewarded to multiple organizations across Texas in 2021. The Alamo Community College District has rewarded a total of $300,000 through the OVW Campus FY program for the year 2021. When small organizations within the alamo college district such as F.R.E.E. receive these funds, we use the funds to pay for events that help support survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
Our Services
Spirit Day in the
Online Training for Campus InitiativeOnline Sexual Assault prevention for Campus Leaders |
Criminal Justice & Government PresentationCriminal Justice & Government Classroom Presentatio (virtual) |
By-Stander Intervention PresentationPresentations by our Coordinated Community Response Team advocates the 4-D's Direct, Distract, Delay, Delegate in Bystander intervention, Knowing the 4-D's advances the recognition of potentially harmful situations or interactions and choosing to respond in a way that can influence the outcome. To learn more please contact the FREE office. |
Contact Information
Student Success Coordinator: Terrence Littlefield 210-486-2677 MLK Sutton Learning Center (SLC), 102P |
Follow us on Instagram: @spcalamocares |