Interfaith at St. Philip's College

Video courtesy of Interfaith Youth Core

Our Mission

Interfaith at St. Philip's College's mission is to promote a respectful understanding among the diverse religious and spiritual groups and individuals of St. Philip’s College.

Our Vision

A world where all faiths, beliefs, spiritual paths, cultural traditions, and communities cooperate for the benefit of all and are honored, respected, and celebrated.

Download our Zoom Background

Links to Resources

Question/Suggestion Box

If you have any questions or suggestions, please submit your information below. Your contact information is optional. Anonymous submissions accepted.

  • Service Learning Project

    The Interfaith Committee is collaborating with Service Learning on this year's United Way Shoebox Project.

    The Annual Shoebox Project is an effort to provide shoeboxes filled with everyday toiletries to be distributed to many of their nonprofit partners.

    Basic comforts such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and other personal-care items are a luxury for many San Antonio children, veterans, elderly, homeless and vulnerable populations. Change a life today by participating in the Shoebox Project. 

    Download our flyer


    Liz Castillo
    Jared Boggs
