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If you transfer to a university before graduating from SAC, you can still earn your associate degree through reverse transfer.

Transfer and Advising

Transfer Advising Guides show the University’s degree plan and which courses Alamo Colleges District offers.

Transfer Fair

San Antonio College’s Transfer Fair is a great opportunity for students to visit with representatives of their respective 4-year universities. At the event, students will be able to gather information in order to transfer.

Transfer Showcase

We will be inviting UTSA, TAMUSA, OLLU, and UIW to showcase to our students.

Transfer Fair

A great opportunity for students to visit with representatives of their respective 4-year universities. At the event, they will be able to gather information in order to transfer.

Reverse Transfer

If you transfer to a university before graduating from SAC, you can still earn your associate degree through reverse transfer.

Steps to Transfer

Begin investigating universities as soon as you enroll at San Antonio College! Transfer Advisors are available in the Transfer & Career Center (TRAC) to help you to define your short and long-term goals.