Conference Schedule

2019 NLC Pedagogy Conference:  Sessions

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BREAK OUT SESSION ONE:  9:25 – 10:05 A.M. 

2019 NLC Pedagogy Conference:  Sessions

Session Title:

Mentoring Millennial Masterpieces


Dr. Archie Wortham, Professor of Speech, NLC


Who's your hero? Who do you look up to that has made a difference in your life? In this presentation, Dr. Wortham will share an innovative approach to helping students construct their image of ‘Hero’. When used in Dr. Wortham’s public speaking class, his method lets students go from deciding what makes a hero to an epiphany of understanding that they possess similar qualities. The instructor will show how to adapt his method to other disciplines. This session is interactive and it is intended to be a canvas upon which participants can sketch their own masterpieces.
This session is repeated in Session Three.


NLIB 115 


9:25 – 10:05                                                                                                                      1.1


Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching

Session Title:

Helping Students Understand the Complex Nature of Source Authority


Linda Reeves, Libray, NVC, and Rose Rodriguez, Library, NVC


College students learning to do research are often confused about what constitutes a “credible source”. In an effort to guide students to credible sources, we may specify the exact formats students should use, such as peer-reviewed journals, books, or even just books published by an academic press. The Association of College & Research Libraries’ Framework for Information Literacy suggests that we should help students not only understand what makes a source authoritative but also understand how and why some groups may be “underrepresented or marginalized in the systems that produce information.”


NLIB 119


9:25 – 10:05                                                                                                      1.2


Critical Pedagogy in Information Literacy

Session Title:

Dual-Credit: Pros and Cons


Dr. Veronica Morrison, English, SAC


What benefits do dual-credit classes offer? This session will dive into the most effective way to achieve the benefits of duel-credit while also addressing the downsides of this practice and what policies should be reconsidered.  Dr. Morrison will explain what current research says and offer suggestions for best practices.


NLIB 126


9:25 – 10:05                                                                                                                      1.3


Bridging High School and College Curricula





Session Title:

Add Cooperative Learning to your Teaching Toolkit


Susan Cotellesse, Faculty Fellow-Northeast Lakeview College


Cooperative Learning is not a new way of teaching. The Johnson brothers have been coaching educators on ways to improve classroom engagement for over 40 years and have traveled the world teaching their theories. Cooperative Learning is often referred to as Active Learning and this session will help educators activate classrooms using tools that encourage group work in a way that leads to the success of all. Learn the basics of cooperative learning and try several tips that the Drs. Johnson has been coaching for almost half a century.
This session is repeated in Session Two.


NLIB 128


9:25 – 10:05                                                                                                                    1.4


Building a Toolkit for New Teachers

Session Title:

Inclusion and Diversity-based Ice-breakers for the College Classroom


Veronica Luna, NVC and UTSA and Lynda Cruz


Instructors often use icebreakers and energizers to set a high level of participation during the first weeks of a course, but we may sometimes miss the opportunity to ground these activities in equity and inclusion frameworks that deepen students’ learning and growth. Our interactive session will discuss best practices for implementing inclusive icebreakers and energizers that humanize students and the educator. We will explore how to set communal agreements, consider facilitator sensitivity, handle “hot moments”, accommodate students’ risk and comfort, and use effective debrief procedures to promote reflexivity.


NLIB 130


9:25 – 10:05                                                                                                                    1.5


Building a Toolkit for New Teachers

Session Title:

Raising the Bar In 8-12 History Classes Using Document Analysis


Ryan Fontella, SPC History, and Northside ISD and Bettina Melton


Do your students struggle to understand how to interpret documents and what they mean in history? This session will look at new strategies to get students to think about the analysis of historical documents, and, in the process, create a historical narrative from their analysis- regardless of academic level!


NLIB 217


9:25 – 10:05                                                                                                                     1.6


Building a Toolkit for New Teachers, Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching

Session Title:

Discover New Tools for your Teaching Journey


Kolette Palacios, Strategic Relations, WGU Texas (Western Governors University, Texas)
and Dr. Robyn Tresnak, Course Instructor, Teacher Education, WGU


Enjoy this session that includes valuable tools for your new classroom. Prof. Palacios will guide you in finding ways to journey through teacher-tested resources while avoiding the rabbit holes in technology. Plus, we will help you find balance in teaching the curriculum while exciting your students by integrating technology and the arts: visuals, music, dance, and drama! These ideas will help you stay on a solid path as you lead diverse students in their learning each day. During this session, you will create your own unique tools that work specifically for you and your discipline.


NLIB 221


9:25 – 10:05                                                                                                                 1.7


Building a Toolkit for New Teachers

Session Title:

Collaboration and Accessibility: Strategies for Virtual and F2F Classroom Success


Jamie Miranda, SPC Communications and Learning, and  Stephanie Gibson, English & INRW Instructor, SPC


Effective collaborative activities create critical thinkers and build community. Learn how to craft team assignments using specific roles to ensure equal participation from each student. And discover simple tips for making both face-to-face and virtual course materials accessible to students of various abilities with an eye toward Universal Design.


NLIB 223


9:25 – 10:05                                                                                                                1.8


Building a Toolkit for New Teachers

Session Title:

GradeCam Instant Feedback


David Kisel, SPC Behavioral Sciences, and Basis Charter School


Learn to use GradeCam to give instant feedback to students and never have a student leave class without knowing how they did on an exam. Come see how you can use GradeCam to track student progress and analyze data to enhance your teaching. 


NLIB 225


9:25 – 10:05                                                                                                               1.9


Building a Toolkit for New Teachers, Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching, Instructional Technology, Student-Driven Progress Monitoring


Session Title:

NASA Resources


Pauline Ramirez, Alamo University Center, Alamo Colleges Educator Preparation Program Manager


Not only does NASA send astronauts to space, but it also has resources that teachers on Earth can use to bring classes to life and create hands-on active learning!  This presentation will access links to NASA MEI, demonstrating the following exciting Science Activities: How to Pack for the Moon and Design a Crew Exploration Vehicle, Design a Lunar Thermos, Launch Your CEV, Create Blue Marble Matches, Pack for a Long Trip to Mars, Make SLS Pop Rockets (for Elementary students) & Take the Orion Parachute Challenge (for Secondary students).


NLIB 227


9:25 – 10:05                                                                                                               1.10


Building a Toolkit for New Teachers





BREAK OUT SESSION TWO:  10:15 – 10:55 A.M.


Session Title:

The Online Pedagogy Cookie: It's the Middle that Makes the Difference!


Jerryl Lowe, SPC Instructional Innovation Center and Distance Learning Certification Program


Teaching online courses can be even more challenging than teaching face-to-face. In order to be successful, you must find a way to substitute the absence of the lecture, discussion, and other interactions that take place in the classroom. This presentation will deal with ideas that can be used to fill this important gap.


NLIB 114


10:15 – 10:55                                                                                                                2.1


Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching

Session Title:

Building Community: Empowering Student Success


Dr. Deborah Koeck, PAC Science


Learning is not just about the transfer of knowledge. Successful learning involves creating a dynamic Community with a common purpose and a goal to work together for individual and group success. Individual students may require small group activities within larger group efforts.  Plus students need to use both written and verbal communication in Community projects. Eventually, students realize they can rely less on faculty experts because they themselves are empowered to have their own opinions and can give and receive assistance from the Community. The ultimate goal is self-managed learning and the joy that it brings to both the student and the Community.


NLIB 115


10:15 – 10:55                                                                                                                2.2


Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching, Instructional Technology

Session Title:

VR and Augmented Reality for the Classroom


Lia Moore-Lamm, DL/IIC Coordinator at NLC and Bobbie Myatt, Instructional Designer, NLC


Take a step back in time or a giant leap into the future through virtual reality experiences in education!  The VR Lab at NLC demonstrates the Oculus Go VR Goggles with some ideas for enhancement of the student learning experience.  These educational experiences can be individual or team or group work; the opportunities are limitless! VR applications impact critical thinking, collaboration, and retention.  Whether you are sitting atop Mt Rushmore, walking through Anne Frank’s house or reviewing the Periodic Table of Elements, VR technology takes you and your learners to another level education in the 21st Century.  Get ready for hands-on – No, for goggles on participation in this presentation.
This session is repeated in Session Three.


NLIB 121


10:15 – 10:55                                                                                                        2.3


Instructional Technology




Session Title:

Engaging Students at the Start of Class: Tips for Drawing Interest at the Beginning of the Lesson Cycle


Michelle Maldonado, NLC Education


Interested in learning techniques to grab your student’s attention at the opening of a lesson? Looking for ideas to help your students get actively involved in their own learning? Join us for this interactive session which will explore activities designed to encourage student motivation and interest at the beginning of the lesson cycle.


NLIB 126


10:15 – 10:55                                                                                                                2.4


Building a Toolkit for New Teachers

Session Title:

Add Cooperative Learning to your Teaching Toolkit


Susan Cotellesse, Faculty Fellow-Northeast Lakeview College


Cooperative Learning is not a new way of teaching. The Johnson brothers have been coaching educators on ways to improve classroom engagement for over 40 years and have traveled the world teaching their theories. Cooperative Learning is often referred to as Active Learning and this session will help educators activate classrooms using tools that encourage group work in a way that leads to the success of all. Learn the basics of cooperative learning and try several tips that the Drs. Johnson has been coaching for almost half a century.
This session is also in Session One.


NLIB 128


10:15 – 10:55                                                                                                            2.5


Building a Toolkit for New Teachers

Session Title:

Empathy and Engagement with Elementary Students


Aubrie Wells, Student, TLU Early Childhood and Jefferson Elementary; Jared Theus, English/Education, TLU and Seguin High School and Dr. Jeannette Jones, Education, TLU;


Presenters Aubrie Wells and Jared Theus, both education majors from Texas Lutheran University, have spearheaded original research on developing empathy and civic engagement using hands-on activities with elementary students.  Mr. Theus has also done research on biracial identity and how it may affect the learning environment.  During this presentation, Ms. Wells and Mr. Theus will present their insightful new findings.  There will be time for questions and discussion. Jeannette Jones, faculty advisor, will moderate this panel.


NLIB 217


10:15 – 10:55                                                                                                           2.6


Building a Toolkit for New Teachers, Issues in Teaching PreK-12

Session Title:

Groups: How to Manage Group Assignments in a College Classroom Setting


Dr. Johnnie Spraggins, Social Sciences, NVC


Group assignments are a popular pedagogical tool used by educators. And group skills are valued by employers. Despite the long history of group work in the classroom, instructors often report frustration as students struggle with teamwork. This presentation offers suggestions for managing effective assignments in the college classroom. Challenges for instructors include allocating class time, focusing on the teaching process, and grading individual and group products. Challenges for students include maintaining motivation, plus managing intellectual and coordination costs.


NLIB 221


10:15 – 10:55                                                                                                               2.7


Building a Toolkit for New Teachers, Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching

Session Title:

Setting up for Success: Arranging Your Classroom for Maximum Productivity


Michael Saberian, SPC and Comal ISD 


This session will provide educators-in-training with ideas about how to set up their classroom for academic and personal success. Classroom setup will include how to set up the physical space, how to set up office processes, technology integration, personal care, and things to consider for traveling teachers.


NLIB 223


10:15 – 10:55                                                                                                              2.8


Building a Toolkit for New Teachers, Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching

Session Title:

Optimizing YouTube for the Classroom


La Trenda Walker, NLCIT and Technology Specialist


YouTube contains a wealth of information for students and teachers. Come to this session and  learn tricks to take your social media game to the next level: -Play commercial-free video clips -Record video clips into PowerPoint for offline viewing -Search videos for specific content -Speed up or slow down videos without degrading audio -Choose video quality based on your connection speed -Pick a start time for a shared video -Record your screen and voice (screencasting) and -Share your video or screen with anyone who has access to the internet (broadcast).  Wow!  You are going to learn a lot!


NLIB 225


10:15 – 10:55                                                                                                             2.9


Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching

Session Title:

Your Students can Show you the World: Integrating Google MyMaps into the Classroom


Dr. William Duffy, Faculty Development, SPC


While Google Maps is most commonly used for driving directions, it is, in fact, a versatile, powerful, and free tool that can enhance almost any class. In this workshop, we will discuss the functions of Google MyMaps that have the most direct application to the classroom, and investigate the ways they can be used to help you create original, engaging, and relevant activities for your students. We will also discuss how to use Google MyMaps functionality to control if, how, and when your students share their work with the outside world. Participants will be given time during the workshop to experiment with the tool.


NLIB 227


10:15 – 10:55                                                                                                           2.10


Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching, Instructional Technology




BREAK OUT SESSION THREE:  11:05 – 11:45 a.m.



Session Title:

Common Read Discussion: "The Hate U Give"


John Beck, English, Retired from NLC


Mr. Beck will lead a discussion of the best-selling book The Hate U Give and that also compares the book to the new movie based on the book, and their implication on the greater society. 


NLIB 109


11:05 – 11:45                                                                                                               3.1


Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching, Student-Driven Progress Monitoring

Session Title:

District Policy Versus State Testing: How to Grade Students Fairly


Dr. William Ricketts, Music, NVC


Is it fair to grade a ninth-grade student the same as a twelfth-grade student as they are working on the same project? How do I solve this dilemma? How do I grade students with disabilities?  One of the biggest issues Mr. Ricketts has experienced as a teacher is how to evaluate students in the classroom and how district policy and state testing play a role in determining grades for students. During his presentation, he will present examples of how complicated a grading process can become given the different assembly of students in the class and then offer suggestions for resolution.


NLIB 114


11:05 – 11:45                                                                                                               3.2


Issues in Teaching PreK-12

Session Title:

Mentoring Millennial Masterpieces


Dr. Archie Wortham, Professor of Speech, NLC


Who's your hero? Who do you look up to that has made a difference in your life? In this presentation, Dr. Wortham will share an innovative approach to helping students construct their image of ‘Hero’. When used in Dr. Wortham’s public speaking class, his method lets students go from deciding what makes a hero to an epiphany of understanding that they possess similar qualities. The instructor will show how to adapt his method to other disciplines. This session is interactive and it is intended to be a canvas upon which participants can sketch their own masterpieces.
This session is also in Session One.


NLIB 115


11:05 – 11:45                                                                                                             3.3


Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching

Session Title:

VR and Augmented Reality for the Classroom


Lia Moore-Lamm, DL/IIC Coordinator at NLC and Bobbie Myatt, Instructional Designer, NLC


Take a step back in time or a giant leap into the future through virtual reality experiences in education!  The VR Lab at NLC demonstrates the Oculus Go VR Goggles with some ideas for enhancement of the student learning experience.  These educational experiences can be individual or team or group work; the opportunities are limitless! VR applications impact critical thinking, collaboration, and retention.  Whether you are sitting atop Mt Rushmore, walking through Anne Frank’s house or reviewing the Periodic Table of Elements, VR technology takes you and your learners to another level education in the 21st Century.  Get ready for hands-on – No, for goggles on participation in this presentation.
This session is also available in Session Two.


NLIB 121


11:05 – 11:45                                                                                                          3.4


Instructional Technology

Session Title:

Purposeful Learning Spaces: Virtual and Physical Classrooms 


Peggy Ann Weesner, Professor/Education Coordinator; Mike Burton, Chair of the English, Education, Humanities & Journalism; Dr. Kim Hochmeister, English, Humanities and Teacher Education; Patty Medina, Director of Student Success--SAC


This panel presentation will explore the evolving pedagogical spaces both in the virtual and physical world.  Within these spaces, the surroundings, furnishings, and tools should work in concert to provide an optimal experience of learning and teaching and should change as the needs of students and faculty evolve. 


NLIB 126


11:05 – 11:45                                                                                                            3.5


Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching, Instructional Technology

Session Title:

Argument: Inquiry and Scaffolding Your Students' Deeper Understanding


Teresa Wilson, Seguin High School, Physics and Chemistry, Blended Learning Initiative


How can we measure student understanding beyond simple regurgitation of information? How can we help our students internalize what they learn, then justify their understanding? It all starts with how the information is presented. Through innovative, research-based instructional practices inspired by classic Socratic questioning, you can lead your students to explore concepts and demonstrate their understanding through logic-based arguments.


NLIB 128


11:05 – 11:45                                                                                                              3.6


Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching

Session Title:

Add A Little SPICE to Your Curriculum


Irene Young, SPC Psychology


Do you believe students should be aware of global issues? Imagine your students as policymakers, trendsetters, doctors, technologists, environmentalists, and educators of the future. With this in mind, commit to expanding global competency by adding SPICE to your curriculum. The Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education serves as a bridge between Stanford University and K-12 schools and community colleges developing multidisciplinary materials on international topics. Irene Young of St. Philip’s College serves as an EPIC faculty fellow at Stanford. The Education Partnership for Internationalizing Curriculum (EPIC) brings together faculty from various disciplines to work with Stanford faculty on projects aimed at developing global awareness among high school and community college students. Internationalize your curriculum. This presentation also lends itself to advancing global competencies of gifted and talented students, ECHS and DC students.


NLIB 217


11:05 – 11:45                                                                                                              3.7


Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching, Bridging High School and College Curricula

Session Title:

Gamification in the Classroom: Creating Student Engagement with "Reacting to the Past"


Amelia Serafine, SAC History and Dr. Lisa Ramos, SAC History and Mexican American Studies and Dr. Marianne Bueno, SAC Chicana Studies and Feminist Studies


SAC’s History Program has incorporated “Reacting to the Past:  interactive, immersive historical role play “games” developed at Barnard College” into its classes. RTTP encourages research, teamwork, leadership, and empathy as students play out historical events and contingencies such as Bacon’s Rebellion while “in-character.” SAC History faculty will discuss the possibilities and pitfalls of this student-focused classroom activity, including the trust-building required to hand over the classroom to students, the challenges of gamifying traumatic histories, and the potential for transformative experiences. RTTP games are primarily historical but can be used across the humanities, and new STEM games are in development.


NLIB 221


11:05 – 11:45                                                                                                             3.8


Building a Toolkit for New Teachers, Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching

Session Title:

Student/Teacher Emotion-Behavior Response Cycle


Susan Cunningham, Fine Arts, SAC


What motivates students to do what they do? What motivates instructors to do what they do? This presentation will delve into the interdependent relationship of teachers and students and give practical advice on how to create positive rather than negative cycles of behavior.


NLIB 223


11:05 – 11:45                                                                                                              3.9


Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching, Bridging High School and College Curricula

Session Title:

Teaching Students to Study Smarter


Andrea Stehle, Stevens High School, 2014 NISD Teacher of the Year, Author


Studying is a vital part of success in middle school, high school and college. Unfortunately, studying is not a skill all students possess before they enter our classes. Based upon the science of metacognition and on contextualizing, this presentation will give teachers at all levels practical suggestions on how to help students understand the way their brain learns and how to make it work smarter.


NLIB 227


11:05 – 11:45                                                                                                             3.10


Innovative Practices, Secrets to Teaching

Session Title:

Build an OER Course:  A Case Study


Will Watkins


Open Education Resources (OER) are free and accessible and they are the new buzzword in education.  Developing Open Education Resources and creating an OER course are rewarding experiences. This case study reviews Prof. Watkins’ experience in creating an Elementary Statistics course using the software package “R” as both learning tool and calculator. The challenges included (1) finding, adapting and remixing a textbook, (2) accessing and creating OER online homework, and (3) creating support videos and instructional supplements. Pedagogical decisions abound. After all, the goal is to use R to teach statistics--not to teach R to do statistics. The resulting course clarifies, to both student and teacher, how students are understanding statistics.


NLIB 232


11:05 – 11:45                                                                                                          3.11


Instructional Technology





LUNCH IN CYBER CAFÉ:  11:45 A.M. – 12:15 P.M.

(Catered by Panera Bread)


(Great Ideas For Teaching Students)

12:20 – 1:00 P.M. (in 10 minute intervals)

A GIFTS session is an informal discussion presented to a small group in a short time. Below are topics and descriptions of the GIFTS sessions.


The presenter at the GIFTS session will have 10 minutes to discuss the topic with the group. You will hear a sound to indicate you should move to your second and third GIFT session.  


  • First GIFTS Session: 12:20 – 12:30
  • Second GIFTS Session: 12:35 – 12:45
  • Third GIFTS Session: 12:50 – 1:00 pm


Session Title: 

The New Original Teaching:  Using Everything from Flight Instruction to Biomedical Research as a Teaching Tactic!   


Dr. David Elzi, UT Health at San Antonio, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Bioaffinity Technologies


In the presenter’s experiences from teaching and mentoring in the flight instruction and biomedical research fields, he has gained insight into successful tactics to improve learning, from abstract thinking to well-defined performance standards. This presentation will highlight some of the most important concepts the presenter has used to create high student achievement and he will explain how these techniques can be applied across many teaching situations.


NLIB 114


12:20 – 1:00                                                                                                    4.1


Building a Toolkit for New Teachers, Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching




Session Title:

1)            Active Presenter: Quick Tutorials and Guides


Marie Coffey, NLC English


This is a quick look at a simple freeware program that allows for video capture and editing as well as practice and quizzes. It’s an easy way to create ‘how-to’ tutorials for students or quick self-check quizzes.


NLIB 115


12:20 – 1:00                                                                                               4.2


Building a Toolkit for New Teachers, Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching, Instructional Technology

Session Title:

Finnish Lessons: Teaching Methods from Finland


Denise Stallins, NLC English


Finland is now considered to have the best educational system in the world. Finnish teachers cover less material than classes in the U.S. but Finland focuses on students developing a deeper understanding of the content that is covered by problem-solving their way through it. Learn Finland's methods for creating deep learning, student confidence, and high student interest.


NLIB 116


12:20 – 1:00                                                                                                        4.3


Building a Toolkit for New Teachers, Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching

Session Title:

2)           ChemAssist: Chemistry Manipulative


Deborah Koeck, PAC Science


ChemAssist is a hands-on manipulative that allows students to combine elements and polyatomic ions into compounds as well as write and balance chemical equations in a new visual format. Practicing with ChemAssist for 3-4 weeks allows students to visualize ions and balance chemical equations with new certainty and expertise.  See how this works and how it can work for you and your students!


NLIB 119


12:20 – 1:00                                                                                                        4.4


Innovative Practices / Secrets to Teaching

Session Title:

Using ZipGrade in the Classroom - No More Scantrons!


Josh Alquiza, NVC Math and Physics, Southwest Research Institute, NASA


This will be a simple presentation encouraging teachers to download and use the ZipGrade app available for Android and iOS. Prof. Alquiza will be sharing how it has helped him in his college-level Physics classes and he will show examples of what he uses it for.


NLIB 130


12:20 – 1:00                                                                                                       4.5


Building a Toolkit for New Teachers, Instructional Technology

Session Title:

Zoom:  Modern Learning for the Modern Student


La Trenda Walker, NLCIT and Technology Specialist


Move over Skype! There’s a new web conferencing game in town and its name is Zoom. Over 17,000 educational institutions, including 96% of the top US universities, improve student outcomes by using Zoom for virtual and hybrid classrooms, office hours, administrative meetings, and more.  Attend this session for a short demo on using Zoom for video chatting, screen sharing, and session recording.


NLIB 225


12:20 – 1:00                                                                                                       4.6


Instructional Technology

Thank you for your contributions to our Pedagogy Conference.

We hope you will leave here today better prepared to facilitate the success of your students.

We have New Ways to access Conference Information!  This Year we are using QR Codes.  Or you can use an App called EventsXD.


Participants can access the schedule and surveys electronically by scanning a QR code with their cell phones or by using a computer to access the schedule and surveys. See the screen capture below for a few steps to scan a code if you have never scanned a QR code before:




If you have an iPhone, iPad, or iPod, scan the following QR code to go to the Conference Home page:


If you have an android, follow these steps to scan the QR code:


You will have a conference program in your gift bag, and the program will have two codes. When scanned, one of the codes will take you to the Schedule of Presenters, while the other code will take you to the surveys, which you can fill out after each session to rate the presentation and provide feedback. Below is an image of the electronic form:


The first drop down menu will have the three major sessions and the second drop-down menu will have the names of the presenters for each session. If you have any questions, ask one of our volunteers or committee members.


To use the Pedagogy Conference App


  1. Download the Events XD app in either the App Store (Apple) or in Google Play (Android).
  2. After downloading the app, complete the registration.
  3. Using the magnifying glass in the upper right portion of the app, search “2019 Pedagogy Conference”
  4. Once you come to the conference home screen, you can search the schedule, speakers, etc…
  5. If you click on a specific session in the schedule, you can add that session to your agenda by clicking on the star in the upper right-hand corner.


We the Pedagogy Committee are doubly excited about this year’s Pedagogy Conference. We are steadily growing, developing, and improving. Because of faithful participants like you, we have a passionate desire to do better and better each year!


We are excited that you are coming to the 10Th Annual Pedagogy Conference!


Cheyenne Adams, Co-Chair

Denise Stallins, Co-Chair