Technical Support Staff

At San Antonio College, Technical Support is organized by a zoned service area. Each zone represents several buildings with a specific geographical area of the campus. A Zone leader and Zone staff are assigned to each zone. For additional information on buildings and staff within each zone, please refer to the list below: 

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Download the Technical Support Zone Map


Zone 1 & 6

Campus Area:
Fletcher Administration Center, Ashby, Longwidth Radio Television Film, Visual Arts Center, District Facilities, CE Annex, Facilities, McAllister Fine Arts Center, McCrelles Hall, Gonzales Hall, Loftin Student Center, Campus Police

Zone Staff: 
James LaBranche, Joel Delgado, and Seth Warner

Zone 2

Campus Area:
Moody Learning Center, Eco Centro, and Victory Center

Zone Staff:
Miguel Lopez, Alexandra Madera Matos and Juan Zamora

Zone 3

Campus Area:
Chance Academic Center, SAC Science Building, Science Annex

Zone Staff:
Miguel Lopez, Alexandra Madera Matos and Juan Zamora

Zone 4

Campus Area:
Empowerment Center, Nursing and Allied Health Complex, Susan R. and Jesse H. Oppenheimer Academic Center, FRA-First Responders Acadamy 

Zone Staff:
Alex Saucedo and David Flores

Zone 5

Campus Area:
Candler Physical Education Center, Chemistry and Geology, Student Advocacy Center, Scobee Education Center, Nail Technical Center, Early Childhood and Micronauts Center

Zone Staff:
Cheri Sanchez, Hamid Ibaroudene , and Rigoberto Amaya (SEC)