Neil McCrary

About Neil McCrary
Neil McCrary currently serves as Chair of the Natural Sciences and Kinesiology department at Northeast Lakeview College and holds the rank of Assistant Professor of Biology. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biological Sciences from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, and a Master of Science degree in Biological Sciences from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. His Master’s thesis, “Paleolimnology of Deep Lake, Lake County, Illinois” examines fluctuations in diatom populations and watershed flora to determine past ecological conditions, analyzes modern lake conditions, and determines the extent of human disturbance at the lake through analysis of diatom fossil records, pollen deposits, and historical research.
He has full-time college teaching experience at NLC and at Northwest Vista College, and has served as adjunct faculty at University of the Incarnate Word, St. Philip’s College, and Southwestern Illinois College (formerly Belleville Area College). He has formal training in Cooperative Learning techniques (University of Minnesota) and is a graduate of the Alamo Colleges Leadership Academy for Success (ALAS). He also has experience as a microbiological analyst, lab coordinator, research technician, quality control technician, nature specialist, and baseball/softball umpire, among other strange jobs. His non-job interests include collecting vinyl records and HO scale train cars, science fiction, science truth, rabid sports team fandom, bowling, cheap ways to play golf, binge-watching old game shows with his wife, and pub quiz.