Teach courses pertaining to recreation, leisure, and fitness studies, including exercise physiology and facilities management. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
Jobs available locally 10,258 |
Demand Locally +1 % |
Annual Wage Range $50,998 – $214,067 |
Provide individualized physical education instruction or services to children, youth, or adults with exceptional physical needs due to gross motor developmental delays or other impairments.
Jobs available locally 315 |
Demand Locally +2 % |
Annual Wage Range $54,351 – $82,751 |
Program Level:
Degrees, Pre-Majors/Transfer
Fine & Performing Arts
Health & Biosciences
KinesiologyCoursesLinks of InterestCoordinatorFaculty & StaffApply Now
About the Program
This program is designed to help prepare students to transfer to a university and major in Exercise Science, Pre-Physical Therapy, or Physical Education. Kinesiology majors are prepared for jobs in personal training, corporate fitness, teaching and coaching, physical therapy, sports medicine, and cardiopulmonary rehabilitation. Also offered are activity classes that focus on individual and group fitness and sports to help improve an individual’s overall health and wellness.
What will I learn?Courses are designed to develop skills, attitudes and knowledge base relative to fitness related activities, lifetime sports, and physical education through the teaching profession. |
What's special about the program?Students are exposed to a learning-centered community that educates and inspires its students to understand and appreciate human movement for personal expression and wellness through the lifespan. |
What can I do with this course of study?
Pursue careers in a variety of areas: teaching and coaching, athletic training, personal training, recreation specialist, physical and occupational therapy and a host of other health professions.
For the student planning to enter the field of Kinesiology, Northwest Vista College offers the first 2 years towards a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology. This may come in the form of an Associate of Arts or an Associate of Science depending on the University and degree in Kinesiology you plan to peruse.
Available Courses:
Kine 1301 Foundations of Kinesiology Kine 1338 Concepts of Physical Fitness Kine 1306 First Aid Kine 1304 Personal Community Health I Kine 1346 Drug Use and Abuse Kine 1321 Coaching I Kine 1110 Basketball I Kine 2110 Basketball II Kine 1103 Cardio Kickboxing I Kine 2103 Cardio Kickboxing II Kine 1111 Indoor Cycling I Kine 2111 Indoor Cycling II |
Kine 1113 Physical Conditioning I Kine 2113 Physical Conditioning II Kine 1133 Tai Chi I Kine 2133 Tai Chi II Kine 1115 Volleyball I Kine 2115 Volleyball II Kine 1108 Walking I Kine 2108 Walking II Kine 1112 Weight Training I Kine 2112 Weight Training II Kine 2136 Yoga II |
About the Program Coordinator: Joe F. Dimas M.A.Ed., B.S.
Bio/Teaching Philosophy
Joe began his teaching career in the Kinesiology Department, and has been involved in helping to support our students succeed since 2007. He aims to ensure all students develop the skills necessary to become successful within their chosen field. Joe earned his Graduate and Undergraduate Degree from The University of Texas at San Antonio.
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