Teach courses in biological sciences. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
Jobs available locally 10,258 |
Demand Locally +1 % |
Annual Wage Range $50,998 – $214,067 |
Research and study cellular molecules and organelles to understand cell function and organization.
Jobs available locally 184 |
Demand Locally +2 % |
Annual Wage Range $46,430 – $137,096 |
Research or study basic principles of plant and animal life, such as origin, relationship, development, anatomy, and functions.
Jobs available locally 184 |
Demand Locally +2 % |
Annual Wage Range $46,430 – $137,096 |
Program Level:
Natural & Physical Sciences
Health & Biosciences, Science & Technology
About the Discipline:
This field is suitable for science majors and those students intending to pursue careers in health and allied fields. Topics include the nature, history and philosophy of science, basic chemistry, cell structure and function, genetics, evolution and classification of living organisms.
Contact Us |
Erica Arcos Location: Phone: |
Eric Madrid Location: Phone: |
Belinda Gomez Location: Phone: |