Vermicomposting - In-person workshop

Date: September 30, 2023

Time: 10:30 AM

Location: 1802 North Main Avenue

  • College, San Antonio College, Calendar, Students, Community, Arts & Culture


In general, composting is a natural way of recycling organic material, like vegetable and food scraps, leaves or egg shells, into a rich, usable soil for your yard. Vermicomposting creates a microbe rich byproduct that, with proper soil care, reduces water consumption by increasing soil diversity. You can use your vermicompost to build healthier soil, prevent soil erosion, conserve water, and improve plant growth in your garden and yard. Come learn what VERMIcomposting is in greater depth, how to incorporate vermicomposting into your household lifestyle, why it’s important and where to find resources to begin.

$5 vermicompost starter supply fee will be collected at the workshop.

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