Wintermester 2024

Starts on December 16, 2024, and ends January 3, 2025, with a holiday on December 25th.

Support Services

Staff and faculty will be available to respond to student questions and concerns during the Wintermester term.

Student Success Services

December 16th, 17th and 18th
8:00 am-5:00 pm On-campus and Virtual services through Virtual Welcome Center:

December 19th-December 24th
Contact Dr. David Wessler, Director of Enrollment, at

December 26th-27th and December 30th-31st
8:00 am-5:00 pm On-campus and Virtual services through Virtual Welcome Center:

  • Student Success Limited Services
  • Advising
  • Advocacy
  • Admissions and Records
  • Veterans Center

The Business Office and Financial Aid are ONLY open December 26th, 27th and 30th from 9:00am-2:00pm. 

Academic Questions?

For classroom or academic concerns, please contact Dean for Academic Success, Jennifer Rigsby, at

  • For technical assistance, contact District IT at 210.485.0555
  • Online Tutoring is available through Brainfuse -see link inside Canvas.
  • NLC Library is open regular hours Dec. 9-13, and 8 am-5 pm Dec. 16-18.  No library services are available during winter break (Dec. 19-Jan. 1)
  • Online Library Resources are available 24/7 at: 
  • TexShare Cards for access to other universities/college libraries such as UTSA will be provided to all enrolled students and must be picked up at the NLC Library circulation desk by no later than Tuesday, December 17.
  • By Tuesday, December 17, students who need DSS or VA services should have contacted the respective offices.

In addition to staff and faculty availability for assistance, NLC offers an AlamoAnytime page with FAQs and videos that may answer some of your questions.

Alamo Anytime Help Videos

Transcripts for Wintermester courses will not be available until February 2024.

Students are limited to one Wintermester course.


Payment (does not include student activity fee of $3 per credit hour, international education fee of $1 per semester, campus access fee of $25 per semester)

E-Rate(for students taking only online courses)*

  • In-District - $109.00 per semester credit hour for;
  • Out of District or out of state - $180 per semester credit hour for;
  • International - $476 per semester credit hour for

Regular tuition rates (for students taking at least one course that is not online):

  • In-District   $109.00 per semester credit hour
  • Out-of-District $180.00 per semester credit hour
  • International or out-of-state $476.00 per semester credit hour

*Be aware: If a student enrolls in a face-to-face course in the regular spring semester, a tuition recalculation may go into effect that removes the E-Rate tuition. 

Financial Aid:

Financial Aid cannot pay Wintermester registration costs before the start of the term; however, if a student enrolls for additional spring classes in either 16-week or FLEX terms, the Wintermester course will be included in the financial aid enrollment and aid eligibility/disbursement calculation. 

Please note: Students must pay any remaining out-of-pocket costs of their Wintermester tuition and fees up front by the December 12th payment due date to avoid being dropped for non-payment.

If a student does not enroll for additional spring classes, there is no Spring financial aid eligibility and no funds will be disbursed, even if a student enrolled and completed a Wintermester class.

For more information about Wintermester Financial Aid, please visit: “Understanding Wintermester Financial Aid

Searching for courses in ACES:

In order to search for Wintermester courses at NLC, follow this path:

Search by CollegeAll Course SubjectsNortheast Lakeview CollegeWintermester Session.