
Showing 11 - 20 of 647 results

ACD Recruiting Fourth Year of AlamoPROMISE Students

Beginning Sept. 1, eligible graduating high school seniors of the academic class of 2023 can sign up to be an AlamoPROMISE Scholar by filling out the “Save Your Seat” pledge form at

MOSAICO Gala Raises $1.2 Million for AlamoPROMISE Program

The 2nd Annual Alamo Colleges District MOSAICO Gala welcomed higher education supporters partnering to end poverty through education and training.

Our District

As its namesake, Alamo Colleges District has their own inspirational impact on society. Learn more about our leadership, history, strategic plan, and operations.


Working to ensure access to education for all local students by providing for the cost of tuition for up to three years to eligible graduating seniors from the San Antonio area.