Beginning January 31, 2025, you may access your 1098-T form online through your ACES account.
The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 allows a tax credit to be claimed for out-of-pocket payments made to the Alamo Colleges District on behalf of Northeast Lakeview College District, Northwest Vista College District, Palo Alto College, St. Philip's College, and San Antonio College, during the 2024 calendar year for eligible or qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE).
The IRS requires that we provide a 1098-T form to you for your use in completing IRS form 8863. The 1098-T tax forms will be available no later than January 31, 2025. The Alamo College District will report payment amounts for qualified tuition and related expenses during the 2024 calendar year.
The amounts and calculations used to determine the credit are the decision of the taxpayer after consideration of relevant IRS regulations, Form 8863, and perhaps, the advice of a tax consultant.
The Alamo Colleges District will report the amount the student paid (Box 1) during the 2024 calendar year. The following students will not receive a 1098-T form: Continuing Education, Dual Credit, Early Admit/Early College High School, Home School, Tech Prep, or Virtual College. Continuing Education students may obtain copies of their paid tuition bills via their ACES account.
Steps to Access 1098-T
Frequently Asked Questions
Alamo Colleges District will submit reports no later than January 31, 2025, and you may access your 1098-T form electronically (by filling out an electronic consent, see question #4) through your ACES account.
- If you are planning to file an income tax return using your education expenses, you will need to have a valid SSN and current address on file.
- If you are an international student and plan to file taxes, we will need your TIN and current address on file.
- If you are an international student without a SSN, and are not filing a tax return, you do not need to provide a SSN or a TIN.
If you are a non-resident alien student and do not have U.S. source income, (U.S. scholarships, awards, waivers, etc.), that is subject to tax, Alamo Colleges District is exempt from issuing a 1098-T form to you.
The Alamo Colleges District requires a TIN to furnish a 1098-T form to you. Without a valid TIN on file with Alamo Colleges District, you will not receive a 1098-T form.
Alamo Colleges District has partnered with ECSI, offering you the opportunity to receive your 1098-T Tuition Statement electronically. If you would like to receive your 1098-T form electronically, please give your consent by following the link provided below and following the step-by-step instructions.
1098-T forms will be provided by January 31, 2025. If electronic consent is not received by December 31, 2024, the 1098-T will be mailed to the current address on file.
To give consent to receive your 1098-T form electronically; follow the simple instructions below to sign up.
- Visit https://heartland.ecsi.net/index.main.html#/access/eConsent
- Follow the step-by-step instructions on the web form.
- Check the box and click submit.
- Log in to your ACES account
- Go to Web Services
- Select Personal Information
- Select Update Addresses and Phones
A 1098-T form is generated only for academic students who have qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) and payments received during the 2024 calendar year.
Continuing Education, Dual Credit, Early Admit/Early College High School, Home School, Tech Prep, and Virtual College students will not receive a 1098-T form.
Federal rules require all institutions of higher education report payments received (Box 1) for qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) to the IRS. Alamo Colleges District must report on (Box 1).
Eligible or qualified tuition and the following fees:
- student activity fee
- student processing fee
- instructional material fee
- international education fee
- Some exam fees, (for placement, testing out of credit courses or test fees required for degree program).
Non-qualified charges include the following:
- library fines
- parking fines
- late payment fees
- lap-top fees
- transportation fees
Any scholarships and grants administered and processed during the calendar year for the payment of the student’s cost of attendance.
Scholarships and grants generally include all payments received from third-party vendors, (excluding family members and loan proceeds).
This includes payments received from governmental and private entities such as the Department of Defense, civic, and religious organizations, and nonprofit entities.
You may have registered and paid during early registration, (typically November or December). Your QTRE’s were reported on your previous 2023 1098-T form.
Reporting for 2024 payments cannot exceed the QTRE billed from January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024.
To obtain your 1098-T, you may access it online through your ACES account.
- Log in to your ACES account
- Go to Web Services
- SelectPersonal Information
- Select Update Addresses and Phones
The Alamo Colleges District has provided the Form 1098-T in compliance with IRS guidelines. However, Alamo Colleges District is unable to answer any tax-related questions or provide any tax advice on this issue.
All information and assistance that Alamo Colleges District can provide is contained in this notice. The content of this notice is not intended as legal or tax advice.
For tax specific question, please contact the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) at 1-800-829-1040 or your personal tax advisor for further assistance.
If you need assistance accessing your Form 1098-T online, please contact the ECSI student hotline after January 31, 2025, at 1-866-428-1098.